Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Satsang - Belongingness

Now,when we were doing satsang about ten minutes back,how many of you had a feeling of emptiness? Lets have a show of hands. How many of you had a new set of feelings? How many of you had a totally different experience?How many of you didnot feel anyting? That is why I say we should all be regular in satsangs.How should one come to satsang?We shoould all come to satsangs with a feeling of belongingness.When we donot have belongingness,we have a feeling of dryness.People say "I feel sad,I have no interest,there is no enthusiasm to do anything".When you feel low and sad,you have more desires,that too desires which are unfulfilled.

How to get out of this kind of sad feeling? Only when the desires get fulfilled this goes away.Is that right? If not what happens inertia sets in,people become so inert.So in life,we should have belongingness,that will spice up our life.What should we attempt to have in life ? We should all have belongingness.How to belong to each other......? We should drop our doubting nature. "Samshayatma Vinashyathi" meaning who ever is involved deeply in doubt,he would be destroyed.He will not get anyhting,neither is he satisfied here nor there...meaning he will neither get anything in the outside world nor in the inside world. Lets see On what would we usually doubt? We usually doubt the goodness/positivity in something.We never doubt the negativity.Likewise we ususally doubt the truthfullness of someone.Isn't it? We should doubt the negative feelings(That one person goes through).Other persons' negative feeling is not true.Keep your doubt on his negative feeling not on the good ones.Are you all understanding?

Question:- Guruji,Why does a person have a feeling of EGO?

Guruji:- As a person has nose,ears, One has Ego in his existence.Only because he has ego one can talk,walk,eats... He does all the work.Isn't it so? Ego is of two kinds,One that comes out of shyness,the other which includes everything.Ones aim in life should be to destroy the small ego and encompass everything.How much ever you can expand your Ego that much you goodness will come to you in life.What we have heard in our life is to destroy Ego."How is it possible do destroy go!!!!!!",instead what you can do is increase the size to as big as possible.

See,its like this What happens to a soap bubble.The bigger it is, its easy to burst out.When its small its harder for it to burst open,it becomes stronger.Our ego is similar to a soap bubble. Expand your ego as large as possible,In a broader sense we have some smallness in ourself.To protect that smallness we use our ego as a sheild.Only through knowledge smallness could be destroyed."To drop some bad feeling ( or meaness) in a person,surrendering helps".

Surrender whatever you feel the negativity (or meaness) in you..... Earlier,once I had spoken about the powerful (Samarth) disciples (Sadhaks), and not so powerful disciples(Asamarth Sadhaks).Like we would plan to get up at 5:00 AM and do some pranayams,meditate.. those who plan and do this are powerful disciples.

Then,There are not so powerful disciples who get up at 7:00 AM,Then have regrets about getting up late and are feeling pinch about doing such a mistake.Such people who sincerely feel the guilt of not getting up early(for about 10-15 min) people are called not so powerful disciples.

Even to feel sad I donot have the freedom.....? If you are not sad about what you cannot do then that is not Sadhana ? Are you all understanding !!!!!!!! You all have good qualities,Whoever improves the good qualities one has is a powerful Seeker.

Those who crib about their negative qualities all are not so powerful seekers. See,Meera has sung "Oh divine,shred all my negative qualities",Do you think she had not got any of such negative qualities in her mind ? Only if she had experienced or got such thoughts,she can say sing such songs? Isn't it so, If not it would not be authentic...!!!!!! Even Shankaracharya has said that " I am Ku putra (bad son),I am experiencing bad thoughts(Kuputroh Bhavathi).I am roaming around here there.....

I donot know when my mind will come reach your lotus feet,My Lord" What does that mean? It is an example of not so powerful (Or in capable) seeker.The same is true about Basavanna .... What do these examples imply to you all...? If you are getting such bad thoughts once or if you are getting these thoughts many times... you should not take a drastic step of saying I am not a seeker(or a disciple).We should look for our bad qualities and we have to feel the pinch.It doesnot mean you have to feel the sadness every single time.When those feelings arise in you for even few moments it is enough to increase the inner power in you.If you want you can try this out....

We had given an exercise last week (that is shouting /screaming out loudly at the top of your voice).how many of you could not shout loudly? how many of you could shout ? Once you did that what happenend? You all had a feeling of satisfaction.

Until you are satisfied you should all shout at the top of your voice.There is a saying in sanskrit "Udyoginam Purusha Simha Upaithi Lakshmi hii" meaning who ever has work and whoeer can roar like a lion,Lakshmi( The Godess of wealth) comes to them".look,Everyone needs wealth in their life is that right ....? then you should all practice this as an exercise,atleast once a day.So many people forgot abut their bad qualities after doing this process...

Ok Lets all sit in one position now,donot move your body,be straight.Just for a moment be hold your breathe wherever it is.If you are inhaling lock it there, if you are exhaling let it be there,lock your breathe for few moments.Ahhhhhh, now let go of your breathe now.Like this you have to practice atleast few times a day. Atleast, before beginning your work or after completing your work or before going to bed you have to do this.....

This will allow your mind to calm down and relax. So what is the summary for today :- 1.Increase the level of belongingness
2.Feel the pinch about your incapabilities (Asamarth)
3.Grace,Purusharth- meaning human wealth or purpose (sadhana part).
4.Be doubtful about bad qualities or know that whatever you are doubting is actually the right one.

If children have doubts they get it clarified by themselves but for adults,the more you try to correct them,The doubting nature increases in them.For a person to correct himself the knowledge of Satsang is neccesary.Use all your skills to get them on to satsangs.If you know that a person (or a kid) is going in a wrong direction.They will come back on track,once they get hit hard in their life (through problems) after one or two or three problems they will comeback.But that will take a longer time.

Have a feeling,pray for that person saying "Let this person get the right knowledge".Since you have a feeling in your mind for them,because of that the person would start coming back on the right track.

It is certain... When you are concerned about the other person because of your pain the change would happen in him.You can feel or experience in every phase or aspect of life.

1. what should you do Accept the person as he is?
2.Use all your skills to get them on the right path
3.Then pray for them
4.Surrrender it and see.

"See you feel that only your child is having such a life,But I feel there are so many people who are going through such a life(on the wrong path).Such a feeling is so natural ,as you feel belong to your person or kid,But we should feel the same way with every person or kid."---- Sri Sri

P.S. :- I have this transliteraton to the best of my knowledge.

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