What does Sadhana - Sudarshan kriya, Hollow & Empty or Padmasadhana do to each and every layer?
Body level - It makes you strong, physically fit, builds inner strength, resistance to illness, and also imbibes ability to be still, introduces discipline.
*Breath* - It becomes steady. Stability is the word. More regular is the Sadhana, less is the quiver in your breath. Any emotion may come and go, wash you, splash you but your breath remains calmer, deeper, happier. Breathe happy and you are happy.
*Mind *- It allows your mind to slow down its pendulum motion between past and the future and be more routed in the present moment. Again and again you need to practice this as a discipline and mind will be trained in that.Indisciplined mind can be shaken to the root when any turmoil any storm comes in way. Ability to disconnect from the past or the future also makes you rid of all the negative emotions that could arise from dwelling in the past or the future - anger, regret for the past and worry, anxiety, fear for the future.
*Intellect* - Now, mind, intellect, memory and ego - they form your inner environment. Chidakash. What happens to the intellect? It becomes more intelligent! If you feel good in a certain place and not so good in another place, intellect is capable now to discriminate and realise oh, I like this place. More and more rooted you are in sadhana, your intellect can tell you what is good and what is not good for you - your body, mind.. all aspects. It will also guide you in your relationships.
You are required to be different with different people. Your ability to recognise who needs what flavor of you, will impart you a great skill. For some you need to be just loving, affectionate. For some you need to surrender, let go, bow down. Some can give you more respect the taller you stand in your person. For some you need to be strict to awaken their self esteem. If someone comes to you seeking a crying shoulder and asking for sympathy, you need to be intelligent enough to realise that you need to be straight and strict.
If you also give in, he/she is going to remain and grow more weak. It is said that stand up against injustice in the world. But if we look at it in a bigger perspective - from a 100ft height may be, we can see things in different light altogether. What is so called injustice perhaps could be result of your being in 'poor me' attitude, victim consciousness. Just step out of that victim consciousness and see.
*Someone asked - how to deal with people who feel jealous towards you and it disturbs working together?*
*Answer* - They could be genuinely jealous, however you also see if you are into habit of blowing your own trumpet all the time. In case of jealousy, you make them your own. You cannot feel jealous for your own people. Give in, let them feel they are bigger than you. Praise them in front of others whom you both know. Even if anyone comes to you with complaints about someone else, you first praise the person being complained. Many a times, the complaint dissolves or reduces in intensity. Sadhana gives us this fine ability to see what is required in which situation - Viveka - importance of intelligent mind is unparalleled. But in the realm of devotion and a devotee, we have not really looked into it deeper. Next step to better intelligence is better intuition - ability to see what is coming in future and base your actions. Decisions in the now accordingly.
---- Courtesy Naresh Y
Speak Only Knowledge
11 years ago
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