Monday, November 17, 2008

Impermanence in Life - Sri Sri

See the impermanence in this life. That is the truth. Turn back….and see that everything you did is like a dream. Whatever you do in the future – you may become mayor of a town, you may rise to the highest position, or you may have a lot of wealth – so what? You have cried and wept, got angry and agitated – so what?
It has all passed. The whole thing has finished …and like that, this very moment will also pass. Whether pleasant or unpleasant, it will pass. Tomorrow will pass. Now and then, a pinch of unplesantness comes… Do you know why? - Because it makes you aware of your pleasantness!

Suppose you had never had any unpleasant moments in your life… then, you would never have had any pleasant ones either – because you wouldn't know what unpleasantness is! Your life would stagnant our of utter boredom. You would become like stone. So, now and then, here and there, nature gives you a little pinch in order to keep you alive. This makes life livelier. Accept it.

God does the same thing to you..Now and then, He gives you a pinch… and you start weeping. But just turn back and see – every time you had a difficulty, were you not taken out of it? Any time you had problems, you got a helping hand; you were lifted up, Isn't it? Tell me very honestly. There are stories of people drowning in rivers, where there was nobody else; yet they were saved and they don't know how!
I don't mean that you should jump into the ocean, and see whether somebody pulls you out! I tell you, you don't have to be afraid in life. There is always support. So every pinch, you receive in life, is for the best; it makes your life more lively and enjoyable.

Where is the purpose in your life? Why are people born, and why go through all this, when we are going to die one day? Is this life? Are you born to just pay your bills?

If you are born to just pay your taxes and electricity and phone bills, life is not worth living. You work so hard, day and night, the whole week….and you wait for Friday to come. You spend the whole day working madly, coming home tired, eating, going to bed, sleeping…and then repeating the same thing all over again, the next day. Even weekends are routine, just another routine – the same gossip, the same sitting around and drinking, the same movies and the same type of converstations.

If you're "awake", then you see there is so much foolishness in this! Just watch, when four or five people get together and talk; have a gossip session…. In a gossip session, you can change the topic of converstation immediately. This is the thing about crowds – if ten people are talking about the weather and you change the topic to stock markets, then everybody will talk about stock markets, whether they know about them or not! If you change to health food from stock markets, they will all jump to this as well, even though they haven't completed the previous topic! It is great fun!

Being aware of this impermanent nature of one's life – the changing nature of happenings – you find that there is something in you that has not changed…. There is a reference point, in comparison to which, you can say things are changing. Getting to that reference point is "being"…and that is the source of life; that is wisdom.

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